Monday, March 10, 2014

How Different Things Are

I have been super busy with work and life so I have not been writing in this as much as I would like. For once in my life i am actually busy and not just with work. Now that I have a boyfriend who lives 10minutes from my work we actually go and do stuff. Work hasn't changed like my job but not enough money nor am i treated fairly there. I am in the process of looking for a new job.  I have applied a couple places but have heard nothing back unfortunately. One of them being a baker at Panera for crying out loud. I am desperate as you can see. I need money to pay my loans back and this job aint cutting it.And cant go back to school anytime soon because of my loans soo thats awesome not:/ Hopefully things will start to look up in that area. The boyfriend and I are fantabulous could not be happier:) We went to boston for the weekend for valentines day and it was super fun! Had a blast just the two of us:) I have been at his house like 4 days out of the week. Which i mean saves my parents money so they shouldnt complain haha. I may eventually move in with him down the road anyways. He also has been house shopping too and including me as well in the picture with our two puppies haha. 
Anywho parents havent met him yet but will by the end of the week my brother and sister in law are coming home for the week to get stuff before moving to colorado! so big family dinner haha. I met his dad but that is it so far. we are going camping in July which i am excited about! yay camping:) In a cabin whoot
I guess that is really it so far my last friend at work found another job so i am the only one left which makes me want to find a job even more. Still working on my veterinary assistant certification as well.
So lets see what happens in the next couple months shall we.

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